Wednesday, July 05, 2006



No it wasn’t Cousin Brucie, but the reunion of the Little Woman’s cousins. It seems someone had the idea that the cousins should have a reunion, and it was a very good idea. The reunion consisted of only two families of the four families, the Little Woman's and her Uncle Mike, but it was very harmonious and being an in-law, I found it to be the highlight of my 4th of July weekend. Missing was the Little Woman's two brothers, but we managed to hang in there and it all came out fine.

It is always good to see people you happen to like, and one and all were very new to me, even though I know them. That sounds silly, but after years of not seeing them, it becomes a reintroduction to not only the past, but also the remembrance of nice people that we lost touch with.

Aside from my sister-law and her husband, everyone else was missing in our lives for many years. There was the Host and Hostess of the event, Lou and Jan, two very nice and sincere people that made you feel special. Neither of these two spoke of themselves, always focusing on everyone else’s comfort. Lou was making me tired as he constantly checked to see if the glasses were full and the seating comfortable, while Jan, the Little Woman’s cousin put out a great spread, while charming us with her conversation. She was a great hostess, as was Lou a great host. Being invited to their lovely home was special, as was meeting three special children that left an impression on me that said, “these are great kids.” All three children had a purpose in life, career wise, and they took part in the constant concern for our entertainment and comfort. I mean, here was this old geezer, and they brought me a special house drink they made. Nice job kids, nice job Jan and Lou!

Then there was Tommie and Annette. I always enjoyed talking to Tommie. He always had and still does own an upbeat attitude, won’t burden you with his sorrows, and makes a wonderful complement to his lovely wife Annette. Annette can relay a great story, retell her experiences, and I would recommend that you call her to tell you about her experience with the game “Brain Age”, she will have you in hysterics. They have a beautiful young daughter named Christina, and the last I saw her; she was a little girl on a Christmas card. She is now a strikingly beautiful young woman in college, with the sweetest disposition.

To round out the cousins in fine fashion, and with a great smile and laugh was Mary Beth, the youngest of the cousins. Mary Beth has the best laugh, upbeat attitude, full of life, and really lent herself to the gathering. Mary Beth reminds me a lot of my own sister Mary Ann. Mary Ann is a pepperbox of activity, and vocalisms that hold your attention.

Then there was of Steve and Maureen, with Maureen leading the conversation, about nothing but memories, correcting the family history, and telling great stories of the past.

Of course poor Steve and myself couldn’t get a word in edgewise when the two sisters meet. “Pass the (________)” fill in the blank was all we could get in, and that was to each other.

The Little Woman was in all her glory, as we left thinking: Wow, what a great time we had. Thanks to Lou, Jan, Tommie, Annette and Mary Beth, not to mention all the younger cousins for their kindness and hospitality.

Ellen, Maureen, Steve and me.

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