Friday, August 18, 2006


Today was bonding time with #2 son, and the very first movie revue for DelBloggolo. The Little Woman informed me that #2 son expressed a desire to see the movie “SNAKES ON THE PLANE” with me, and would I take him today.

Except for the large cast of snakes and Samuel L. Jackson, the acting was horrific, I think the plot was dropped because of budgetary restrictions, and the audience was on a first name basis, all five of us. Today was the movie’s premier showing, and story line was about why I should read movie reviews before I see one.

It was written for high school sophomores with permission to see titilizing sex. The premise of the movie is that if you recommend this movie to anyone, he/she will never speak to you again.

As we drove to the theatre, #2 Son tells me that the general public wrote some of the movie with suggested scenes, and I think the ones that did go back to elementary school in a few weeks, which should save Hollywood for a while.

I guess it was so bad it was good. Maybe it was good and bad! Maybe I should stay out of movie theatres if this is what they are making. I took a few courses in college that stressed that cinema is art, now it is craftsmanship at the lowest level.

The shame of it is that I missed a Yankee, Red Sox game, however at least I shared some time with the kid.

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