Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Today goes down as a proud day for an 18 year old that “resides” in one of my bedrooms. I don’t want to say “lives” because no one could possibly live in that mess.

A used 2006 Tan Nissan Altima now occupies space on my curb as #2 Son has his first car, and I have an “I spent over $100 on something” headache. Between the cost of the car, the insurance, the inspection, the photo inspection, plates and money I gave him for gas, not to mention the brake job he needs, it is indeed a large headache.

#2 Son was very hyper the whole day, busting my chops, tip tapping his pen on the car door and on the wooden seats in the DMV. His mouth was in over drive, as I finally had to beg him to “Shut up.” Today is the most he has spoken to us in years! Happy as happy can be.

I felt like a real father today, going to the seller, the DMV and back to the seller to get the car. You would think he’s take care of the little details, but no, he was so sky high, I had to put a leash on his neck so he wouldn’t float away. As we walked from my car to his to attach the plates, he says: “WE NEED TOOLS!?”

Old Dad, the one he barely tolerates, the one who is not to be told anything, whips out his “Mr. 7 Hands Apollo Screw Drivers with built in flash” and proceeds to put on the new plates. “Wow, you come prepared”! says the young prodigy.

Not for THIS headache.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks, dick.