Sunday, October 29, 2006


This is the time of the year when we set back our clocks and hopefully not revert to old habits too. When I got up this morning,
TLW (The Little Woman) said:

“You forgot to set the clocks back.”

Me, being the shlub that I am, took it in stride and buried my head in the sports pages. It wasn’t going to end there.

TLW: “I had to reset all the clocks this morning.”
Me: “Wow!” “Sorry”
TLW: “That’s OK.”
Me: “Did you do the one on my night stand?”
TLW: “No, and I didn’t do the one over the TV, because I’m too short to reach, and also the one in #2 Son’s Room.”
Me: “So actually, you didn’t do ALL the clocks, just some.”
This last statement was greeted with her usual appreciation of my quick wit, stoned silence, and ignoring my very being.

There is a lesson here for all you guys out there who are either just married, or married a few years, or about to get married.

Shut up whenever possible.

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