Wednesday, November 01, 2006


“And do you Delbloggolo, promise to take TLW (The Little Woman) in weight gain or in skinniness, in enforced diet or guilt that YOU ARE EATING THAT! in laying around or off your butt and working around the house, as long as you both shall have to?”

The love stuff we already covered in the first 35 years, this is real business now. Marriage is a wonderful institution and I am committed. It is a lot like Halloween, in that after a time, you take off the mask and deal with the weight gain of the first 35 years of “candy” from all the tricks and treats. Of course I still love TLW, but now we have to deal with the realities of our lives, the children, the bills and the weight that claims us as we fight to stay younger, and try to protect our health.

I hate my doctor, not for any reason than he is the same age, but thin. He is giving me the medications, and once a year he gets really personal, without buying me dinner! I go and feel sheepish as he looks at my weight and doesn’t say anything. AT LEAST INSULT ME, DAMMIT, DON’T JUST LOOK AWAY.

One of these days, I’m going to be skinny, and so thin that you won’t be able to look at me without saying: “Please eat.”

I wish.

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