Saturday, December 02, 2006


Last evening Santa came to town! He came in the form of an Italian guy from Brooklyn who visited the Association for the Help of Retarded Children’s annual Holiday dance. He does this every year, and every year he feels like a king, a hero, and loved by all, but mostly he feels like Santa Clause.

When Santa first enters the dance hall a murmur starts to roll throughout the crowd, people stop what they are doing and yell: “There’s Santa!” They come running over and immediately embrace Santa, one gave such a crushing hug that Santa’s glasses almost broke on his face. “Hi Santa”, “Hey Santa”, “I love you Santa”, some kiss him on the cheek, some hold his hand, bringing girlfriends and boyfriends and caretakers to get their picture taken.

The suit he wears becomes so hot his eyeglasses fog up, his body takes a beating from the hugs and squeezes of 6’5” men weighting about 315 lbs, kisses and arm tugs from women 4’5” and weighting about 75 lbs, some can walk, some can’t, so can dance some just sway to the music.

A troop of Boy Scouts come and distribute sandwiches to the party goers, Santa gives out candy canes, as he gets his picture taken more than 400 times. In those 400 times he hears many stories, many requests, some for themselves and some for others.

One little woman whispered in Santa's ear that she wanted a chance for her Mother who is very sick, and can’t get out of bed anymore to walk again. She asked Santa if He could do that, He can’t, couldn’t promise, and said that we would all hope and pray for her Mother.

One lady said: “Hi Santa, what’s your real name?”
Santa: “Why Santa of course!”
Lady; “No, what’s your real name.”
Santa: “Jolly Old St. Nick, and you better be a good girl or else.”
Lady: “Okay.”

There are a lot of volunteers that show up that night, giving freely of their time to these dances that are scheduled every month. All of them want their picture taken with Santa. One as old as 80 years old! There are a few little cuties in their 20’s that work at the various homes that come over and get their picture taken on Santa’s lap.

Boy, that Santa, what a guy!

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