Friday, January 12, 2007


When I met TLW (The Little Woman) I didn’t realize how much in common we shared. For instance, we met while both of us rode the LIRR; we both came from large Catholic families, families that aspired to higher education and the belief of a better tomorrow. Both of us were family oriented and believe in the family core concept.

We discovered that we like a lot of the same things in life, some of the same music, and art, the principles and mostly all of the same foods. I’ve gotten to like some of the foods she likes and she has done the same thing.

Both of us have sisters living in Connecticut, we both have an aunt named Mary and both of them are the youngest children in their family. We both are middle children and here is one more, we both are born the same week, a year and three days apart. We both have an oldest sister, who is the oldest sibling.

If that is not enough, we have the same children, same wedding anniversary and live in the same house!


I don’t think so.

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