Sunday, January 07, 2007


The self implied notion that I am good for nothing has been dispelled. I have just learned that aside from letting the dog out to do her business, I am treasured as the family geek. Yes, a nerd, a man to solve all your computer problems.

TLW (The Little Woman) has determined that I can make a case for my value to this family as a computer geek. You have a problem I’m your man. Need to straighten out a router that won’t behave, call on Mr. DelBloggolo, for bytes, ram and rom, I am at your service.

Four computers exists in my home, everyone has their own and one is used to work a certain program that #2 Son uses to e-mail to himself for his college courses. It is my job to see that they all function, and function well. Not only must a computer function, it must work with the other computers and work with different platforms.

Many a day did I hear the words: “Dad, my computer is not working!” or “The computer won’t let me on the internet!”
Of course TLW also chimes in with: “Joe, can you come up here for a moment?” (For the computer.) If I can not find a solution, the needy computer user becomes agitated, and panic stricken, looking at me as if it were my fault, or that I somehow caused the problem.

Today, TLW downloaded some form on her laptop, and wanted me to print it up on my printer. I told her to e-mail me the file to my computer and I would print it. She reminded me again, so I decided to do it myself. I went into her computer and started the process, asking her if she wanted to see how it is done. “No” she said, that’s what I have you for.”

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