Thursday, February 08, 2007


Recently TLW (The Little Woman) informed me that she wanted to go to Best Buy to buy a universal remote for the den. I mentioned that I wanted to go to Circuit City. She inquired why and I told her that The Macaroni Man had given me a gift certificate, and I wanted to treat myself. Being a wife she asked me more questions. “What do you want to buy?” Me being the husband in this case decided to answer her inquest.

Me: I want to get a recorder that I can carry around with me.
Her: Why?
Me: Because I can remember things better.
Her: What do you have to remember, what things?
Me: Oh, subjects about the blog I can write, or things I want to remember. Then I can get rid of this little pad I keep in my breast shirt pocket.
Her: You’re retired, what do you need to remember, besides, you look retired with the bulge in your shirt pocket.

I’m speechless, as usual. I should try spending more time napping and less time talking.

I can tell you that I do not always have a bulge in that pocket, nor do I keeps a lot of pens in it. The fact to the matter is I still drive like I always did, with TLW giving the car body English and saying things like: “OOH!”

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