Saturday, February 10, 2007


Know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to cook.

Yes, indeed.

It started with TLW (The Little Woman) laying out the menu for the week, and instructing me to cook the vegetarian tacos recipe for the evening meal. With those instructions she said she was leaving for her Weight Watcher’s meeting.


Off she went as I started to gather all the ingredients to make this hardy meal. It meant that after I gather, I have to chop and dice, measure and sauté, all in the name of good health. I read all the instructions once through and then again as I do each step.

TLW returns, as I am still dicing and cooking while keeping up with the rules of the recipe. She comes over and begins to give out helpful hints; “Shouldn’t you be heating that through in the pan? Shouldn’t you be adding some of that in the tacos?” I don’t answer, knowing full well the answers to these questions are all: “No.”

I hand her the bean dip and measuring cup, and say: “Would you like to cook?” She wouldn’t take it. “Are you sure?” She again counters. “Let me see the recipe, I could have sworn you have to…!”

Not a word did I utter except to say: “gee, I’m glad you’re not cooking tonight, you would have screwed it up!”

Revenge in commanding way, she didn’t want to cook.

1 comment:

Steve Philp said...

Too funny!

My wife sent me out to get noodles for Tuna Noodle casserole a couple weeks ago. I bought different noodles than she usually does. I asked her (bad move) if I'd gotten the right noodles. "No." So I asked again if I'd gotten the right ones. "No."

I finally explained to her that the correct answer was "Yes, you did. I can't believe I've been buying the wrong noodles all this time!"


Love your writing!