Friday, March 02, 2007


Do you remember when things were simple, when it didn’t take much to change a channel on the TV, or toast a piece of bread?

Science has advanced so far that we are out pacing ourselves. In making things easy, we made them harder!

Today I tried to change the channel, but felt inhibited by the fact that if I did on the universal remote, I would lose the TV and/or the cable box. There are certain buttons you must use in a certain sequence in order to change a channel, get a closed caption, or run your DVD or VCR!

If that is not enough, I tried to toast a piece of bread this morning, it required three separate dials that have to come into play, or the bread will not toast or worst: it will burn!

My car clock radio is no help since when we change to EST or DST it requires using the clock radio to make the change. I get a lot of blinking of the numbers, and it stays the same time all day long! And what about that little “M” button, what the hell does that mean?

When I was working, there were about 4 or 5 programs I needed to know in order to get my work done. It meant unloading years of training without a computer to learning the computer and the programs. Then as things got more advanced, I needed to learn the upgrades and the even additional programs to stay competitive!

The final blow came a few months ago when TLW (The Little
Woman) and I bought our new mattress, a remote controlled beauty that I had to program, or I wasn’t going to sleep in the new age of bed rest!

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