Friday, April 27, 2007


Yesterday TLW (The Little Woman) and one of my sisters, Mary Ann, ventured up into the wilds of Connecticut to attend a bridal shower for Kelly Ripa. Well not really Kelly Ripa, but if I had said Kate Dzicek would you have known? Katie is my beautiful niece from Connecticut that is marrying on July 6th of this year, and she is a dead ringer for Kelly Ripa, in fact she even acts like her.

The long journey started early yesterday morning as they piled into my wife’s car for the drive. Along with TLW and Mary Ann went my talking GPS, and believe me it didn’t get a word in edge wise.

I actually look forward to these trips by TLW because she loves to talk, and what could be better than when she is talking and listening to someone other than me for a change. She gathers information like the CIA and then by the end of the day, after countless chats and chatter, will bring home a briefing that is anything but brief.

Filling me in on all that was and will be, she (TLW) then gave me a run down on the menu. Now when I ask; “what did they serve,” I expect a one or two word answer. For instance, prime rib, or lobster, or pork chops. Being the perfectionist TLW is, I got a garden salad first! Who cares about the garden salad? Had she thrown in the dessert, that would have been good also.

She arrived home just as I put on the Mets pre-season show, a show I was waiting for all day to come on. Immediately I got all the news about this sister and that sister, or this niece or nephew, while I strained to look and act interested while trying to see what Jose Reyes would be doing this year. Somehow it gets confusing, having David Wright batting behind my Mom on opening night in St. Louis!

I think I’ll check the box score if I don’t see the game. I know Mom could hit when I was younger, I still have the bruises, but at 89 I wonder if she can still leg it to first base?

1 comment:

Steve Philp said...

I have Diet Coke coming out my nose from the talking GPS comment. Thanks for the laugh!