Friday, May 04, 2007


TLW (The Little Woman) is under 5 feet, or at 5 feet at the most. She is the shortest person in the household, but packs the biggest punch. No she doesn’t hit anybody, not physically, but verbally she is very much a boss. Being the only woman in the household, she can pretty much command respect from me, and even #2 son when he’s on his game.

Now I don’t wish to create an impression that she runs the house, bosses us around all day and give orders. After all she does go out to work all week, and if I don’t answer the phone when I read the caller ID, she can’t push us around.

People have suggested that she is the boss by the way I write my blogs. Not true, she just tells us what to do.

Which comes to an interesting thought; why do I let her get away with it? Am I a coward? No, I never backed away from a fight in my life with anyone, both verbal and physical. So what is it? Is she bigger than me? No, I often have to sit down so we can see eye-to-eye. I know, she does all the banking, and through TLW comes my allowance, which she forks over on a day of her choosing. I pray she never gets amnesia, because she knows the bank accounts and I don’t. When I worked, I worried about working budgets, and let her deal with the household budget. I didn’t want to be bothered, and still don’t. We confer on major purchases, but I trust her implicitly.

The other day she was reading an article in the newspaper and gave it to me to read saying; “here, I want you to read this.” I dropped the sports pages and delved in immediately if not sooner.

Requests are often the norm before she leaves for work. Trying to avoid eye contact with TLW doesn’t work for me; she gets my attention early in the morning when I don’t like to take requests. Usually what she’ll do is drink up all the coffee, so I have to ask her what happened to the coffee. It’s her ploy to corral me and start her “requests.”

Let’s face it, I’m a sucker for a pretty face.

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