Thursday, June 14, 2007


Last evening was indeed a night to remember and to cherish as a memory that ranks with my wedding day and the four days my children were born.

A month or so ago, I received a letter from the Community Affairs office of the Suffolk Chapter of the Association of the Help of Retarded Children informing me that the Board of Directors had chosen me to receive their Honorary Lifetime Membership Award. This is usually something that people get by donating large sums of money to the agency.

When I was introduced, there was a long litany of accomplishments that were mentioned, and all I wanted to do was crawl into a hole and hide. I’m not really keen on receiving awards or recognition for charitable work, and I like to just do what needs to be done and leave the recognition to others. But I’ve come to realize that such events are important not to those who are recognized, but to those who someday will be recognized, and so it encourages participation.

When I was nominated for the Board over 18 years ago, TLW (The Little Woman) said that if I do anything, being on the board and helping my daughter would make her proudest of me, and I worked to earn that privilege of her pride.

Last evening I got a crystal and gold clock that I am very proud of along with a certificate or Recognition from NYS Senator Caesar Trunzo. I probably will never get anything else in my life like that, except maybe grandchildren someday.

Please forgive me this blog this one time.

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