Monday, December 24, 2007


TLW (The Little Woman) invited me (with a threat of no dinner) to go to #2 Son’s band appearance. The name of the band is Cosa Nostra. No, they are not gang members or part of organized crime. (Although it is a crime what this kid is costing me!)

When we arrived at the place where the band would perform, there was a long line waiting to get in. We got in and went directly to the bar where we ordered a few brews, and were surrounded by lots of funky kids in tattoos, body rings and weird hair, to the point where I felt Bohemian!

There were four bands before Cosa Nostra, and only one seemed good. Not great, good. It seemed that they all had this style. One guitar player hops up and down on the stage wildly, while the lead screams into the mic, and they all swing their heads to allow their long hair to sway in different direction and then they violently shake their heads up and down! I don’t remember any lyrics!

Now mind you, I was the oldest guy in the building, and you would think they’d offer me a chair. Well after some agonizing hours of listening to nothing in particular, Cosa Nostra appeared. Not because he is my son, but the place came alive! I mean alive. They were clapping, dancing, little girls were screaming, and one old goat went crazy. I was so impressed by their performance I told TLW that I would go to hear them again, someday. Believe me, this is something! I never dreamed they would sound so good.

Tomorrow is Christmas Day, and I will be taking the day off from this blog. Before I go, let me say Happy Holidays to all my readers, particularly my neighbor Carole (The cookies are great!), my new friends out in California, MFF (My Favorite Fan, Laura), Justin. Jared, Minnesota Pete, and Pete The Teacher, my good friend Steve Phelps and all the rest from PCH and whoever else I can’t mention because of space and time.

I have to leave at 12 midnight to pick up #1 Son at the airport, his plane is running 2 hours late, and he should arrive at 2:00 AM!



Steve Philp said...

Joe, I don't miss a day of your blog and love your stories. Merry Christmas from snowy Michigan to you and all of your family wherever they are!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christimas to All! Tommorrow is a day of rest and enjoying family (and of course "The Yule Log")
Carol, Bill, Bill and Christina

Anonymous said...
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