Sunday, December 23, 2007


You must have seen at least one of these money giveaway game shows. It started in earnest with ”Jeopardy” and “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” and most recently “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?” There are more shows coming out that give money away, there is one with some real talented girls with suitcases for instance, that I cannot get the point of.

Last night, we were “surfing” the channels when TLW (The Little Woman) stopped at this game show. The object of this show is to win money, what else? The object was for the host to make up rules as he went along, and the contestants to scream at the top of their lungs like Conan the Barbarian as he slays someone, strutting about and clenching his fists, in triumph.

The loser got to sit down on the sideline and act like either they are constipated or are trying to hold it in. I kept asking TLW: “Why are they sitting there?” “I can’t for the life of me figure it out at all!” was her reply. There were chips that people placed on the 4 choices they had to answer a question. You could play one on the answer you thought was correct, or you could hedge your bets and place chips on all the answers.

An assistant, (The usually a good looking lady type) comes along and takes away your chip or chips, something like Mom would do before dinner. The total of winnings kept going up and up, with no one winning the money. The questions were stupid; “What is the total number of dwarfs in Snow White and how many houses did the Big Bad Wolf blow down in the Three Little Pigs stories, what does that number add up to? The choices were: (A) 7, (B) 8, (C) 9, (D) 10. The answer appears at the bottom if you are really interested.

Well, one contestant placed his chip on one answer, and the other contestant that was playing against him placed her chips on other answers! The people on the chairs on the side were biting their nails and grabbing their heads while waiting it out.

Meanwhile the sum ran up and coup[le of hundred thousand dollars.

Did I get the answer? Yes. Does it matter? No.

One contestant got it right, one didn’t. The screaming and yelling, fist clenching and strutting began. Boy is that annoying! The answer is (C), 9. Seven dwarfs but only two houses were blown down.

Tired of meaningless critiques of TV shows? Send your criticism to:,
Tell him; “Who cares?”

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