Saturday, December 29, 2007


What is it with sons, they can never talk to their father, but will spend an eternity talking to Mom?

When I was a teenager and then in my 20’s, my parents and I had an interesting relationship with each other. I didn’t talk to them and they never really tried to talk to me. All my issues were for me alone, and I liked it that way. I told them I was off to school and then told them I was graduating. I worked, came home, went out on a date, ate, slept and did it all over again without talking to anyone.

Two sons later, I am experiencing a different kind of phenomena, one where only Mom gets the scoop, and avoid telling Dad at all cost. Nothing bad, but it’s none of his business. #1 Son tells me some of his comings and goings, especially if I ask, but #2 Son works life like a poker game, holding his cards close to the vest and a blank face, in case he might give away his hand.

My conversation with #2 Son is “Where’s Mom?” This is any day, any time of the day, no matter what and where. He works with an intermediary who happens to be TLW (The Little Woman), or “Mom” as he calls her. TLW. He will make a phone call, speak and then hang up. The phone rings and I answer, its TLW, telling me #2 Son needs some money or a favor, would I please give it to him? I’d like to give it to him.

Recent conversation with #2 Son and Mom: “I have to start doing some exercises.” Mom; “What kind?” #2 Son: “sit ups” Mom: “You should try some bend overs and pick up your messy room.”

Bending over backwards trying to read this blog? Send a message to:, tell him: Why isn’t YOUR picture on a milk carton?”

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