Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Yesterday TLW (The Little Woman) returned from Baltimore. I went to the airport to collect her, and boy did she look beautiful to me! She was only gone two and a half days, but it seemed like an eternity. I mean having coffee alone in the morning makes a one-sided conversation. Going to bed at night, without fighting for the covers is no fun, I love the thrill of victory as well was the agony of her feet.

I got a call that her plane would be about 30 minutes late, and I knew about that from 8 AM in the morning when I checked in on her flight. She was scheduled to leave Baltimore at 4:20 pm, but didn’t leave until 4:55 PM! They were predicting lateness way before it should be able to. Just goes to show you how bad Southwest Airlines has become.

As I sat in the airport waiting for her to land, I did a little people watching. This woman was walking with a hat in her hand, and suddenly a cardboard band fell out of the rim. The woman, stopped in her tracks, and looked down at the cardboard band, and preceded to kick it forward, with great deftness, she guided it to a trashcan like Pele would a soccer ball. After about 20 or 25 feet of this, she managed to get it to the trashcan. What does she do? She leaves it there at the bottom of the trashcan, never picking it up and placing it inside the can! Well, at least she was close.

I understand that some of you were wondering why I wanted to stop writing this blog, and the reason was simple. I was in a snit, thinking that no one was really reading it, so why bother. Boy, was I mistaken! I forgot that I read it.

Need a ghost reader to read this blog? Maybe you wish the writer was a ghost, or that the blog is just an apparition of sorts that really is smoke. Then write to; joedelbroccolo@yahoo.com, and tell him: “hey, just disappear already, huh.”

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