Thursday, May 22, 2008


The other day I was discussing with TLW (The Little Woman) the need to adjust the front of the house in terms of landscaping. I was complaining that we put in a new front walkway, but it looks unfinished to my artistic sensitivity. (Big deal!)

TLW on the other hand felt the grass should come right up to the edge of the bricked walkway and that would be that.

I countered with the idea of some kind of border to line the walkway. TLW immediately made a war-like stance, legs spread and hands on hips, ready to punch me out. However, her diplomacy was put into effect.

TLW: “You want to put bricks along this edge?”
Me: “Yup.”
TLW: “You know that when you come home from a party in the hood, at Carole and MMB’s (My Man Bill) house you will have to step over the border?”
Me: “So?” (Cringingly)
TLW: “You are NEVER in any shape to climb over ANYTHING!” (I resent that, it may be true, but I resent it.)

So we compromised, we will get plants to line the edging. Me, I will go to MMB’s house this weekend for another party in the hood. When I am escorted home by TLW, I will remember to step lively and high, until the day when the plants are so tall, I have to walk around them. Here’s to plants, hops and barley.

1 comment:

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

Have been reading for a few weeks, but this is the first time you made me snort. Very funny.
