Monday, September 29, 2008


Okay, I’ve been quiet about it long enough. I’ve decided to take things out of my own hands and give them to the doctor! For over a year now, my right arm, the top shoulder area has been in a lot of pain. I can’t raise it, extend it forward or sleep with it.

The other day I took a sliding door off the track and the arm almost fell off! Then I went to place a ladder against the house, and I couldn’t raise it! Then finally, yesterday I went to open a jar of olives and couldn’t, because it was new, and unopened. It used to be I would get a call from the kitchen, or TLW (The Little Woman) would bring a jar to me to open. I HAD TO ASK HER TO OPEN THE JAR! She couldn’t, so she got a can opener and it opened.

I am considering arthritis, tendonitis, bracitis, or if you have something you think would fit the description, let me know, I need to communicate with the doctor. Just click on the “comment” and write.

There is a strong possibility that it will clear up and I die from hunger, waiting in the doctor’s waiting room.

Please try to remember my friends Joan and Anita.



Anonymous said...

It sounds like one of the things you have mentioned. The dr. may offer you a shot of cortisone which I guarantee will hurt a lot more than it feels now. And they c an only use it a maximum of 3 times so it is a short term solution. Pain meds are tricky because often you have to take so much to be effective that you will sleep all day. After a diagnosis, you might get some relief from seeing a chiropractor. I go weekly and I have had much success.
Italian S-I-L from now on addressed as ISIL
PS I am in serious mourning here. My heart throb Paul Newman has passed on.

Anonymous said...

I injured my shoulder by lifting groceries out of the car in an awkward position. Long story short, had something called incapsulitis (or something like that) couldn't raise my arm and it hurt like hell. Had about 5 wks of physical therapy last Spring. All better.
