Thursday, October 09, 2008


Every now and then, when TLW (The Little Woman) and I visit with family, she will ask me to relate some event that happened to me. It usually goes like this:

TLW: “That happened to Joe. Joe, tell them about it.”
Me: “Well, I…”
TLW: “This is really weird!”
Me: “Yah, I er…”
TLW: “It happened right in the middle of our trip!”
Me: “ Ah, I was”
TLW: “He was driving along, go ahead Joe.”
Me: Yes, Yes, I was driving al…”
TLW: “ And the GPS was taking us off the road, Joe?”
Me: “ Uh huh, taking us off the …”
TLW: “We kept getting off the main highway”
Me: “You wanna tell it?”
TLW: “No, you tell it, you tell it so well.”
Me: “OK, so…”
TLW: “Don’t forget what you said.”
Me: “As I was about to say…”
TLW: “Tell them why we kept getting off the road because of the GPS!”
Me: “We kept”
TLW: “The GPS was set on scenic route!”

I am a man with an economy of words. Don’t need to say much, really all I have to do is add a word here or there, and the rest falls into place!

Please remember my pals Joan and Anita.

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