Wednesday, January 07, 2009


I have been attributed to a lot of statements I don’t remember ever making! TLW (The Little Woman) has often gone to the deep recesses of her mind to pull out some obscure statement someone has made, and say, I said it!

Let me set the record straight. I don’t make statements out loud. No, I whisper them under my breath. If someone makes one near me, it is good enough for her to think I said it! Somewhat like horseshoes and hand grenades, TLW gives me the credit. Mind you, it is nothing profound, because if it were, she would know I didn’t say it.

Being a married man, I know by now never to make declarative or definitive statements about anything in the universe. I do say: “I love you” and “Yes, dear.” But after that, I deny everything.

You may consider this to be: cowardly, almost dastardly, but hey, I gotta survive.

I do remember the important stuff. Birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions I remember. I can recall details that happened long ago. Long ago, I learned to shut up. I think I have taken in all the lessons of married life, and then some.

If I tell TLW she looks good in a certain color, she will wear it. If I say I don’t want to go to a certain place, she remember it as my saying, I don’t like it! So, the good she remembers, the bad is ugly!

One thing TLW never does, since I met her, is lie. If she thinks I said it, and I don’t think I did, I know that in her heart she really believes it to be so. So, I can’t get upset and argue. I try, but I soon give it up.

Please remember Joan and DD, and all those that need our hopes and prayers.

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