Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today we make a trip out to East Marion, NY, on the north shore of Long Island. We TLW (The Little Woman) and I will be visiting a friend of ours. The lady is a friend of TLW’s aunt Mary. Rosetta has adopted us as her family, since all she has is a nephew, Carl. Carl lives on the west end of Long Island.

Rosetta is in her late 70’s or early 80’s. She’s a golfer, and loves to entertain. Living with a dog, is all the company she has all day. Living alone way out on the east end of Long Island, these visits are important to her. We make sure to visit as often as we can.

One other thing; Rosetta is deaf. How deaf you ask? I’m glad you asked. Deafer than me! That is deaf! The conversations are interesting, stimulating, abstract, curious, and darn right noisy. One who did not know better would think a verbal altercation was going on! All that yelling!

Rosetta is a sweet woman. She will give you the shirt off her back, and although you probably wouldn’t want to see that, it is true.

After a day with Rosetta that includes: snacks, dinner with wine and dessert, a good old yelling slug fest, and leisurely drives to and from her home, we settle in at night with a good old Jack Daniel Manhattan and a few throat lozenges.

Last night I opened my e-mail and found an email from TLC (The Lovely Carol) my next door neighbor. It seems MMB (My Man Bill) thought he was having a heart attack, turns out it is Pancreatitis! If you ever wanted to pray for a good guy, a good family, and a man who has all the Christian values that are preached, but few hold up to, then pray for MMB. He is too good a man to have anything happen to. Do this as a favor for me. I will try to keep you abreast of things as I hear.

Please remember my brother-in-law John, MMB (My Man Bill), and all those that need our prayers.

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