Tuesday, March 31, 2009


After the evening wedding of fine food and dancing, yours truly sat out Sunday, in my easy chair. Drifting between hunger and sleep, I wrestled every now and then with getting up to go to the can.

Fortunately, TLW (The Little Woman) felt the same way! Having very little sleep the night before, we were both so over-tired we didn’t sleep at all! But, the effort and the time we spent were worth it! We also fulfilled TLW’s sister Maureen’s life long dream of visiting a Smoothie store for a chocolate and banana Smoothie.

I read the newspapers, and the big item was the brand new ballparks for the Mets and Yankees. The cost of a single game ticket is about the same as a year’s tuition and travel with room and board to UCLA!

Today is a different story. Today starts ‘Let’s paint the hallway week!’ It is a solemn time, a deeply troubling week of sorrow and pain. I will be climbing ladders, in some cases as high as 16 feet into the upper story of the house from the stair well. With spackling, cleaning and scrapping, painting and cleaning the brushes and rollers, taping and laying down protective covering, it will take forever. Not to mention a second coat!

So until tomorrow, when I report that I broke my neck by falling off the ladder, 16 feet to my death, ciao!

Please remember my brother-in-law, John and all the people that need our prayers.

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