Saturday, March 14, 2009


Yes, it was Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, all over again!

20 years ago, I used to mind my own business. Now I go to speak first hand with politicians. It seems that a major issue occupies my mind, and I need to speak with a state senator about it.

So, off I go to the state offices in Hauppauge, NY, to fight the good fight.

The State of New York, under the leadership of Governor Patterson, has decided to take away residential development for the mentally and physically disabled, do away with a COLA for the good day care workers, and slash funding for Day Habilitation for people with mental disabilities. These people are easy targets because they as a whole; don’t really vote. Some do, but not the majority. So, along with the Executive Director of Suffolk AHRC, we marched to State Senator Brian X. Foley’s office.

Before I could even get into his office, I had to past a metal detector. This can be confusing when you don’t have a carry-on bag, and they all look at you like your nuts, without your shoes on!

Now the fellow with the wand, we’ll call him ‘Wando’, no hablo Englis, and dam if I could understand him, as the alarm went off!

Wando: “Ahuaize hur harme senor!”
Me: “Huh?
Wando: “Hur arhmes sir, ahuraize dem.”
I finally catch on, raise my arms and hope that if terrorists ever attack the place, he doesn’t get the job of shouting out the orders on what to do.

We find the office of the good senator, who happens to be away, and talk to his lovely assistant. She writes down my issues for her boss, we exchange cards and we leave. Having both made a plea: an explanation and a request to address the issues, we leave with hope. As we leave, there stands Wando in his same stance, bullying another English speaking taxpayer!

Please remember my brother-in-law and all those that need our prayers.

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