Saturday, April 25, 2009


This was partially written a number of weeks ago

It really hits!

My nice quiet life has gotten very noisy! I’m doing some volunteer work for a worthy cause, in terms of direct mail, and look forward to doing it. It is a mailing for soliciting donors, past and present. This is important work, and I relish helping it prosper.

On top of that, I will be at a rally Friday and a meeting with a politician for some funding that is badly needed for my daughter’s agency. It seems with the budget cuts, the State of New York has turned its back on a most vulnerable population! So, old big mouth will get involved. (I hear I’m outspoken!)

Then in an email comes a request to do a sweepstakes mailing with a team of guys for another good cause! I’m feeling alive again with pressure!

I have nine books to design and put together that TLW (The Little Woman) gives out to her religion class at the end of the year.

Now a phone call came from a college professor who wants me to work with him on a book for a national podiatry organization in Harlem, NY. 200 pages worth plus cover,

I guess it is good to feel it once-in-a-while to appreciate retirement. At least I don’t have to get up in the morning and face traffic, then turn around and face it again!

I’m still working on my novel, which is near complete. However, this sudden burst of activity will delay it somewhat, but so what?

I’m enjoying myself!

Please remember all those that need our prayers, particularly MMB (My Man Bill) and my brother-in-law, John.

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