Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We were having breakfast at our local diner, and the conversation turned to the parish priests. I mentioned that the pastor who is American born, stating that when he gives a sermon, I can understand him, and when his assistant gives it, (who is Nigerian), it is a real struggle to understand.

TLW (The Little Woman) became animated as I said what I thought, her face starting to contort. I then continued that I understood without the Nigerian priest, we would have a vacuum of priests.

“Unfortunately” I continued, “I think they should put out a paper when they speak, about the sermon!”

TLW: “Why don’t you just read the bulletin and go to the mass that Father Dan says, then you will understand?”

“Nah, then I have to go to later masses, I like the 8:30, I like to get it over with.”

TLW: You are just like my members, they complain, and when I offer a solution, they don’t want to hear it, it has to be their way or else, and I HAVE to listen to them.”

“Wait a minute! I’m a member! Aren’t I? You telling me then you HAVE to listen to me? After all, I AM a member.”

Looking at me like she was saying: “What are you kidding me? Me listen to YOU!! Ha ha!”

Well, I’m not just another pretty face, I’m a member, too!

The urge was to ask for separate checks.

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