Sunday, March 14, 2010


TLW, (The Little Woman) is a big murder mystery aficionado, be it real life or fictional. She can analyze a murder and think it through like Jessica Fletcher on Murder She Wrote.

Every morning about 4:00 AM, she goes out to East Hampton to wake up the roosters, scoots back home and watches a murder mystery she taped, all while I’m asleep! The plots are diabolical, devious, and down right scary! This has been making me think: Just what is she up to?

It seems to me, no one needs THAT much murder mystery, unless there was a plot in the making. The other part of this sinister equation is that all the victims are husbands. That is spelled H-U-S-B-A-N-D-S! Like mate, or the other half, or worse still, like me!

I don’t want to raise any alarms, but if I don’t write this blogue everyday, you know something is up. She will probably report me as: “He just upped and left!” or, “I sent him out for a loaf of bread, and he never came back!”

Don’t believe it, and check out the young stud as they leave for Vegas.

As for me, I’ve been getting up early every morning, since I discovered this interesting phenomenon! I figure it is time to protect myself. You know, sleep with both eyes open, never turn over, or look in any direction but hers. And above all, keep a night light on.

She claims she could never plot such a murder, as she refers to a wife who hired a hit man, in such detail that I swear I was in on it!

She also says that she would be a nervous wreck if she hired a hit man! I think she is a cool customer myself. NOTHING HAS EVER RATTLED HER BEFORE! She is obviously trying to get my guard down, then: Slit, I’m now smiling from the throat!

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