Thursday, June 17, 2010


I entered into my favorite convenience store (favorite because it is convenient) and went straight to the coffee to pour myself one to buy with a buttered roll. It is always possible to have some small vignette in life come about when I go there, and this day was no different. As I approached the coffee I noticed that all 3 pots were very low.

Racing over was my favorite teenage help at the place, and he immediately started to pour one pot into another. He is my favorite because he can make my day by my asking inane questions of him and his pondering the answers. This day would be no different.

I poured into a small container and reached for the milk. There was an array of different kinds of milks or creams. Starting from 1% all the way over to flavored creams with fancy names like Crème de Mint, etc. Not having anyone around to see me pour Half and Half into my java rather than 1%, as I picked up the container, I became inspired.

Me: “Excuse me (Holding up the container of Half and Half), do you know which half this is?”

The Future of America: “Ummm, gee, no I don’t! I can check for you if you want.”
Looking concerned, he was ready to run off and ask his boss which half of the Half and Half was in the container!

Me: “My doctor insist I only drink the bottom half, and if this is the upper half, my cholesterol will shoot way up there! You know us old people need to watch everything, and I suffer from monoglarium oxygenate!

The Future of America: “Oh but I could ask.”

Me: “No, don’t bother: I’ll enquire when I pay.”

Leaving my victim to his chore of making fresh coffee, I go over to the counter and who is working there but a newly hired young and beautiful woman about maybe 32 years old. She has been working there maybe a month and a half, and rings things up for the customers. Thin, beautiful and very engaging, she is indeed engaged in conversation with this guy about 75 or 80.

Being an old fool myself, I could appreciate his enjoyment in that she was paying attention to what he was saying, rather than whether or not he was still breathing. Not wanting to end his conversation, and my needing to have my coffee, I put my roll and coffee down on the counter, and started to push it forward, while being mindful that he was talking to her.

Him: “Oh! Don’t mind me young fella, I’m just trying to get up a date with this young lady!”

All, in one morning, and one place, I love it!

1 comment:

Fran said...

Too funny! Thanks for the good laugh! I loved the Half and Half part!
P.S. I drank from the bottom half today.