Friday, October 08, 2010


Years ago there was a football player who made a lot of money, but couldn’t speak English, his native tongue. I think his name was: He Hate Me. That is right; He Hate Me! No omission of letters that was his name.

Then there was boxer, who had difficulties with his native tongue, describing how he felt about his soon to be opponent: “I has great hateness for him!”

Recently TLW (The Little Woman) was watching a home buying program where you follow the people looking to buy homes, usually second homes on the island of Tahiti or Fiji, people barely under the age of 24, and looking fit and trim.

The wife was particularly annoying on this show. Beautiful, fit and trim, no fat, she had to state her opinion about every room, every stick of furniture, and at every moment.

Me: “Boy is she annoying!”

TLW: “They are both fitness experts, they measure everything they eat, and eat five or six times a day!”

Me: “Well, another reason to hate them!”

I ask you, why do they have to measure, can’t they estimate? I look at a pork chop and say: “Oh, that looks good!” not, “That is 3 ounces, and 6 inches by 3.25 inches!”

Frankly, it doesn’t stay on my plate long enough to get measured or even estimated. If you want to estimate, guess how long it will take for me to eat it.

People so young, with the money to burn on a Fiji Island, complaining that the bathroom is separate from the house! As the real estate agent said: “Oh, it’s not an outhouse, just a separate bathroom.”

I remember looking at homes many years ago at age 26, and the garage was separate. Do you think the agent said: “Oh, not a outgarage, just separate!”

I frankly think that there should be a law that states: “Married couples, under the age of 28, may NOT have a second house, OR be free of debt. Doing so will warrant ten to fifteen years in a rented mouse infested apartment, for not suffering like the rest of us.”

I have great hateness for the spoiled Me Me Me generations attitudes.

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