Tuesday, November 02, 2010


The other night, TLW (The Little Woman) started relating to me a story.

TLW: “I had this member couple come into the Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Company today. They were settling their parent’s account. It seems the mother had passed away, and the father is suffering from the beginnings of dementia!’

Me: “Oh, how sad!”

TLW: “Yes, the father is was having a hard time remembering that his wife is dead!”

Me: “Poor man!”

TLW: “Yup, he’ll say ‘Where’s Mom?” to the kids, and they tell him she died, and it is like he is finding out for the first time! This was going on quite frequently, and the poor man would just become so overcome by the news every time!”

“Me: “Wow!” (Notice I don’t say much?)

TLW: “So they came up with a clever way of handling it!”

Me: “What?” (There I go again)

TLW: “When he asks: “Where’s Mom’, they just say: She ‘s on a trip to Paris. And he is very happy with that answer, and they don’t have to go through all that grief again!”

Me: (finding an opening) That sounds like the beginning of a joke! This guys wife dies, he suffers from dementia, and he keeps asking his kids: Where’s Mom? So he keeps asking the same question and when they tell him she died, he acts like he’s heard it for the first time. So they decide to change their plans. The Father asks; Where’s Mom and they say, She’s on a trip to Paris. Then the father says…”

TLW: “ONLY YOU WOULD LOOK FOR A JOKE in something like that!”

Well, it did happen in the Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Company, after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and the father says.......... what?