Thursday, April 07, 2011


I have a low tolerance for showmanship, especially when it comes to doing one’s job. Get in, do your job and get out. That was what I thought was my philosophy in life.

The other morning I came down after my shower, and TLW (The Little Woman) was watching the news. The day before I had complained about a weatherman, so this particular morning she had on another news program.

I started to watch the program, and felt like a fish out of water.

“I don’t know, I can’t get used to these people!”

TLW: “What people?”

“The people on this newscast.”

“TLW: “I put this on because you complained about the other show!”

“I know, but I guess I need to complain about something.”

So TLW changed the channel back to the old newscast, and my comfort level returned.

I think besides being a pain in the ass, I’m also loyal to my media choices. Once I start on something I stick with it, in spite of a particular irritant, besides I would replace one issue with another by switching channels.

For years while I drove to work in Port Washington, I listened to Imus in the Morning, who I feel is and was a lot better thAN Howard Stern, and on the trip back it was WFAN sports talk radio or talk radio that had a particular hosts that I loved to hear get angry at callers for asking how he was.

But when it comes to weathermen, they just irritate me when they think it is about them. JUST GIVE ME THE WEATHER AND GO AWAY!

I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but rest assured it is VERY important to me.

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Good to vent Joe! Now go take a chill pill and/or a Jack Daniels and you'll feel better!!