Sunday, April 17, 2011


A few weeks ago, TLW, (The Little Woman), came home and said: “Did you leave those DVD’s on the front entranceway for somebody?”

Me: (Being highly intelligent and filled with intellectual brilliance said) Huh?

“They’re on the kitchen table.”

I look, don’t recognize the handwriting that says “Del Bloggolo 70’s and 80’s memories” on the disc, so I whip out my trusty laptop and stick one of the three discs in. Up pops this old footage of my good buddy Phil, with his wife and kids, taken right before Washington crossed the Delaware! As I continued, I see my kids as small children and a young wife. I was the only one who didn’t change! Incredible!

Being hurtled back in time at the speed of light, I sat back in amazement wondering who could have done this! Then I remembered: my handsome nephew John, (looks like my side of the family) my older sister Tessie‘s (Much older) son had offered to transfer my VCR tape that was getting dangerously old and in danger of losing these wonderful memories to DVD’s.

What a great kid, what a great job! I highly recommend that if you don’t have it done, history is gone forever!

It had been years since I saw that last, and I started wondering how I felt about certain things, where that shirt was, (I hope I didn’t throw it out), it was a shirt from my sister-in-law Maureen that I loved, given to me when I had just passed 39, and there was movies of Mom and Dad and my sisters and their kids at Christmas Eve dinner. All this was like washing your brain and cleaning out the cobwebs to give your memory clarity, and better recall!

John, you are the best! What you did, you did for generations to come, grandpa’s great great grandchildren, will get to see him! He won’t be a figment or conjured up idea of what he looked and sounded like, that IS a wonderful gift! You have done a great service to the family.

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