Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I was talking to TLP (The Little Partner) the other day and relating stories about my dad. She had said something that triggered the memory, and it took me back to my sister Fran’s wedding in Connecticut once upon a time.

It was the dawn of the new age in water taps in the kitchen, of all things. We were staying in a house for the wedding, me: my family and my brother-in-law. The dawn of a new day had come, and with it Tony after a rough night, (Another blog) arose and marched to the kitchen, where his rotten son and son-in-law sat having a cup of morning java.

Reaching for the water tap, Dad looks confused, a new tap with only one handle stood in his way. Dad only knew a ‘hot’ and a ‘cold’ handle on the sink, This thing had only one coming out of the center.

“How the hell am I suppose to get water out of this thing?” a frown across his face.

“Well Dad, you have to turn it slowly in a circle until the water comes up.”

My brother-in-law, a smile forming on his face is now keenly interested in the results to come.

Dad starts to turn the handle in small circles and nothing is happening!

“Nothing is happening!?”

Me: “No Dad, you have to turn it faster!”

Faster he turns, no results.

“Faster Dad, faster.”

My brother–in-law is now on the floor, laughing himself silly, and I’m looking for an escape route.

Dad looks at me, and says: “Come on, what did you do to this?”

Gathering my courage, I go over to the sink and get the water to run. Dad looks at me and says: “You know, you are such a miserable moron. Geez!”

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