Thursday, May 05, 2011


After visiting my cardiologist, and hearing that I am scheduled to take a series of tests to determine if I should make any magazine subscriptions longer than 6 months, I left his office feeling somewhat angry.

“Your body is a natural cholesterol producer, and we have to find out how to stop that buildup!” said the young millionaire (or soon to be).”

I think his plan is simple, and may prove to be effective! What he did already is schedule all these tests: the rest is up to me. What do I have to do? Take the test.


So then I will be so busy taking all the tests, that I won’t have any time to eat! No eating means no cholesterol buildup. Smart!

“Well Mr. Del Bloggolo, you have a test on the 21st @ 1:30pm, and another on the 22nd @ 9:00 am!” said the assistant.

“You think you could find a place for me to sleep over?”

“No, we believe that the whole experience should be as agonizing as possible, inconvenience and annoyance should be part of those test days to measure how well WE are doing.” She said cheerfully.

Leaving the office with four test schedules, I still wonder what is going on.

Getting home I speak to TLW (The Little Woman) and ask her why this should be so necessary.

“”Why they are trying to save you!”

“Oh! For what?

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