Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday, April 27, I went to a special function that I love to attend each year at this time. It is a very special day for some very special people that deeply affect my life. These people I speak of are the staff the populate AHRC Suffolk, the people that work so hard for so little but do so much!

The event was held at a very popular restaurant, where the food is considered primo, and so it should be for primo people like our staff. The MC, the Chief Executive Officer of the agency, Bill Leonardi, a great guy just as Bill, forget his title, is doing a magnificent job, connecting with everyone there, and seems to have the pulse of the agency and the feel for the staff that is needed to be successful.

I can’t tell you how many are on the staff, but this day is dedicated to those that have anniversary’s of; 5, 10. 15, 20, 25, 30 and even 35 years! It is a lot of people. What that means is a lot of people love working there, stay a long time, and are proud of their service to such a needy population!

They are like a link that has many points to touch. When they help my daughter, they help not only her, but her mother and father. They go beyond what they realize they are really doing. I go to bed at night knowing Ellen is being cared for. I go through my day not worried, but planning to see her the next day, or weekend, rest assured that she will be fine, thanks in a very large and total measure to the staff.

And so to those staff, that are so special I say:

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

Hats off to a special group of people. It gladdens the heart to know there are such angels among us.