Monday, March 05, 2012


Recently I tried to call an old friend of mine, and she wasn’t answering her phone, but that didn’t deter me, no, I just went ahead to try to dial again, and became totally confused, getting angry because I couldn’t find the hang up button. It was  there that I realized my mistake, I was holding the TV remote which is black and silver, just like the phone. So I put down the remote and picked up the phone and tried to dial again. This time her phone rang, but she wasn’t home so her answering machine picked up.

“Hi Ronnie, Joe Del Bloggolo, I tried reaching you on my TV remote AND the telephone, however, you were not at home in either case. You can try either the remote or the phone, either way I’m home. I suggest the phone though.”

Then I called my Mother twice in one week! So what’s wrong with that? Well I was berating myself for not calling her, then when I did and started telling her the same news I had already told her that week: she reminded me that I had called her already on Monday.

“Well Ma, WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE MY AGE, until I forget to call you again, I’ll talk to you, bye.”
Mom: “?”

Is this a sign of old age? Am I starting my slide downhill? Is THE home next?

I think there are too many gadgets to deal with these days. The phone, the TV remote, the cell phone, the lap top and computer, the GPS, there is the Kindel, Nook and I-Pad, and so much that I am starting to shut down from using anything anymore.

I borrowed a Nook from my library, which is like a Kindel, which is like a book, but only electronically, and really like a library since it carries about 15,000 books and magazines, can get you on a website, retrieve you email, you can play games on it and it is less than an inch thick! I wonder if it makes phone calls or changes the channel?

Today is my best friend in the whole world’s birthday, Phil Mark. He has reached a ripe old age, because I think he may be starting to smell, not sure if its him or me.
We’ve been friends since 1965, when we met in a design class in college. We have been to each other’s weddings, been each other’s best man, and helped each other bury a child.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Phil, and many more. Joe, if you went to school with him, doesn't that you make YOU the same age??