Thursday, March 15, 2012


The President of the United States once a year gives the ‘State of the Union’ address to those of us who care, the governor, Andrew Cuomo gives a ‘State of the State’ address once a year, and so dear readers, you are going to get yours.

Since this month is the 6th year of DelBloggolo, I decided to give you my state of the Blog address.

My Dear Readers of DelBloggolo: (Kind of formal, but to the point)

I have done a careful survey of the conditions of my estate, and am happy to report that TLW (The Little Woman) hasn’t thrown out everything over 30 days old, I still have ties older than the first Gulf War, shirts and pants older than my 40th birthday, and underwear older than one of my kids!

I still have some recollection of the last few hours, and am able to go as far back as Tuesday of last week, I remember to shut off the car when I am not using it, and the relationship with my doctors: Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Guilt and my accountant Mr. Shecky Worthz have all helped in keeping me alive both financially and health wise.

I still have regularly scheduled lunches with old friends and will soon have one with some friends who if they can remember, will call me with a date for our first.

I have written to you 2,125 times in the six years I’ve been doing this blog, I have one called Ellen’s Way, I do an opininated sports commentary called Del Sport Commentary, one I love to do occassionally called Deliterature, a short story or sometimes poetic observation: and of course this one.

I am composing a list of things I have to do around the house and assessing the idea of moving to a condo, that could happen in a year or two. It all depends on how much there is to do, too much I won’t bother, I’ll just wait to die.

#2 Son was home this week, and the Valium should be wearing off soon, TLW is almost over her cold so I have to go back to kissing her hello and goodbye. Of course she will now be able once again to get things herself.

We are going off to Philadelphia to see a Vincent Van Gogh exhibit, then next month we go to South Carolina to Edisto Island, and we are planning to go to Washington D.C. and then off to California to visit TLC (The Lovely Courtney) and #1 Son in their new home.

I still live in fear of the wooden spoon and Mom knows it, my sisters and wife and daughter are still bossing me around along with Mom, and I still eat light, that is, nothing dark.

Thank you, and God Bless America!

P.S. i'm still regular!


Princess Pat said...

Okay always love your posts but the P.S. on this last one was more than I needed to know. But when Joe is happy everyone is happy.

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

OK Pat, sometimes I'm cutting edge and sometimes just edgy.