Sunday, November 11, 2012


A few years ago, TLW (The Little Woman) and I flew out to LA to visit the then engaged couple of #1 Son Anthony and his lovely bride to be TLC (The Lovely Courtney) and visited at their apartment. When we arrived, we were greeted by two strangers: Linus and Daphne, an odd couple if ever there was one.

Now this couple was rather rambunctious and on the whole happy to see us, but seemed to be very physical in expressing their emotions and if you sat down chances were you would suddenly have one or the other next of you!

Now Linus is a good-looking guy, maybe not as tall as Daphne, but what matters is love, and although a little heavy, Daphne has no problem with that. Like I said, love is what matters. The guy has a mop of hair and is a very friendly charmer.

Daphne is truly a beauty, with these black eyes that seem to penetrate one’s soul, yet she can be shy and coy and excitedly happy, all at one time! She seems to maintain her weight well and keeps Linus under control.

Both Linus and Daphne, after initial contact with TLW and me seemed to drift off and mind their own business, leaving us to visit with #1 Son and TLW.

This time out there, the tables turned, as they both seemed to attach themselves to me, particularly Daphne, who from what I hear is more aloof, became jealous when Linus gave me any attention, and both at one point would sandwich me on the couch. I feel flattered that this would be the case, since it had been a few years since we had last seen the lovely couple!

Then TLW tells me that Daphne was laying on our bed, and sneaking around at night, and I ran into her in the dark one night while on my way to the bathroom!

And that Linus fellow, very needy!
That's me reading with Linus


Anonymous said...

Our shared grandchildren!
Roger Hyde

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

Right you are, Roger!

Anonymous said...

Hoping our non-canine grandchildren are considerably less hairy!

Princess Pat said...

Obviously Joe you have a way with animals. I have a pet alligator that needs to be trained. At least
he doesn't shed as much.