Sunday, June 02, 2013


As you know by now, I go to a physical therapist to heal a bad back. He is excellent and I am now feeling the benefits of going to him.

At the end of each session, he gives me a few handouts on what I learned that day and I go home and use them until the next visit. He asked me how I was doing and I told him they seem to help, and that TLW (The Little Woman) was reading them and thinking about doing them also.

Owns a cast iron pan!
“Ah, so your wife is doing them too!”

“No, she is thinking about them, but that counts because if she does think about them she will feel better! It’s been like that all my married life, she thinks and I do all the work!”


After the workout, which by the way I lay on my back for 20 minutes of a back message from a machine that pumps out heat while giving me pins and needles in the area. It feels good and I get to rest before I start anything.

Anyway, as I am leaving he hands me the handouts and says: “Here, tell your wife she can read these too.”

Still alive!
“Look, you see me standing here right now, I come every week, and I am breathing. I don’t say those things and haven’t for 42 years, or you would be out one customer right now!

“You mean you wouldn’t be here for the physical therapy?!”

“How do you give physical therapy to a dead man?”

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