Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The other night, TLW (The Little Woman) and I were discussing handwriting and the fact that people are losing the art of script. There is a little girl in her religion class who can’t read cursive!

This is at least twice the size it was when I was in high school!
It brought me back to my high school days and the time I decided to take a day off from school and go to the movies. Mom was no fool so I had to plan things carefully and make noise when noise was called for, so to speak. I decided that since she was home all day and didn’t drive I needed to work it out so I could take the bus to school and drift away from the building before entering. This way my younger sister Nippy would think I went to school and think nothing of it. I got off the bus in school, went to my locker where I dropped my books off and then headed out the Gym door to the parking lot and headed to Patchogue.

Getting to Main Street I killed the morning, had lunch and headed to the theatre, saw the movie and went to my afternoon job.

In those days, if you missed classes, you needed to bring in a note from your parents signed, explaining why you were absent. In those days they didn’t call the house asking where you were.

The night of the movie, I started to write my note from my mother, using an expressive cursive that looked a little effeminate and sounded like my mother. It worked! No one ever knew until now what I had done! I was sneaky, wrong and just dishonest and if my kids ever did that I would raise hell. The most shameful part of my life was my proudest up until that day, being able to put it over on Mr. Feeney and Mr. DuGre my homeroom teacher.

Now that mom is 95 and can’t hear all that well: I decided to fess up and clear my conscience. I will do it at a distance, in a low voice and hope she just doesn’t hear me. But I will have told her!

In today’s world I may not have gotten away with it, because I might not know cursive! In fact in a few years, the teacher may not know cursive!


Laura ESL Teacher said...

There is a book out called Handwriting Without Tears about coping with cursive writing. Really? This is what brings kids to tears? Suck it up already.

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

It brings me to tears, we are losing.