Thursday, February 14, 2019


We started our day yesterday feeling pretty good, on a train to NYC to see the Musical 'The Band' then go to a tour of Grand Central Station, then dinner at the Oyster Bar, a historical culinary depot of its own. But we also did something else... wait for the next shoe to drop and it did. It usually comes when your guard is down, this time on the train not even out of the first few stations on the way.

I received a text message from my daughter Ellen’s case manager that she was in the ER with sepsis. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs. Common signs and symptoms include fever, increased heart rate, increased breathing rate, and confusion.

And so, we really begin the NEW YEAR as we left off in the old. We decided to continue with our day, not take this away from us, knowing full well that it would be in our conversations and minds when we sit in the theater or at a dinner table. But we know how to do these things and know when we can do something about it and when we can’t.

So, today we begin another vigil, we will find new gray hairs and we will worry while we sit at her bedside, but we will continue to also hope and pray.

Happy Valentines Day to all.

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