Tuesday, April 09, 2019


It has been 13 years since I started to write this blog. In March of 2006, I discovered that it was possible to express oneself in a formally published format.

Over these 13 years, I have written about a lot of people I know, places I’ve gone top and complaints I have. In fact, I do a lot of complaining when I write this blog.

Some days there is nothing but a blank screen and nothing in the fingers to fill it. Then I go back over the years and it seems like someone else wrote the article! “Did I write: that! Really?”

I discovered something about myself, I love to write and I love the challenge of expression, of bringing the reader along with me and giving them a good ride with words. Sometimes in life when someone dies, we wait until the person is dead before we say anything positive about him or her.  That is still my pet peeve and so I use this forum to express those I think deserve singling out.

It has been a lot of fun writing this, I used to have many followers but no one responds anymore, but that is ok, as long as I respond to the challenge.

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