Saturday, August 10, 2019


Now and then TLW (The Little Woman) comes up with a plan that strikes me as a good idea. This time her idea is one of beauty since few people think of it.

As you may know, my daughter was in the hospital for most of 2019, suffering from cancer and pneumonia, a broken hip and the replacement thereof, along with a tracheotomy and insertion of a feeding tube in her stomach. She spent a lot of time in the ICU of St. Charles Hospital in Port Jefferson.

Being my daughter Ellen does not speak, understands little, and can’t register a complaint like a person without disabilities, so her parents fear she would be overlooked when it came to her care.

The incredible staff of doctors, nurses and even support people all rallied to her side, doing what they could to alleviate her pain, fear, and fright due to her ordeals. When we had to fly to Burbank in June, they even staged a Facetime with Ellen and her parents. On her whiteboard were the words: “The ICU (Heart) Ellen! This was handwritten by one of the angels of God called a nurse.

To acknowledge their thoughtfulness, kindness, and respect for her being a human being, TLW felt that something had to be in order and so bought a huge cheesecake for me to deliver. I also delivered these words.

“I am but an imperfect child of God,
From your care, you saved my life.
Feeling kindness that was not hard,
Gently soothing you eased my strife.

When all feared the end was mine
You softly whispered to me:
“No child it is not your time!
HE has put us to work you see,

To heal your wounds and ease your pain
So you can show a love we pine,
To end the clouds of fear and still the rain
And make this whole World shine.”

But then I closed my eyes and cried:
In my fears, I then knew,
As I looked again and there HE bide,
I was in HIS church, HIS ICU.

Thank you,
Ellen Del Broccolo”

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