Monday, October 07, 2019


This weekend we visited Cape May, New Jersey for a wedding. After the festivities and the weekend ended last night, my wife and I escaped the crowds and conversations just to let the peace settle in before we leave for home today.

We decided to walk along the shore until we reached our destination. As we walked the sun was setting behind the horizon and the ocean sang its nocturnal farewell until the next day. The birds, getting ready to brace for the winter gently circled down to the shoreline, gracefully.

Conversations replayed through our heads and we talked about something other than my daughter and her condition, remembering the old days and faces we no longer recognize.
We were fortunate to meet new people and hit it off with one another.

Then there it stood, Peter Shields Inn one of my favorite places on the beach. Situated in an old house next to the Twin Sisters of the Sea, she poked her nose out to the sea and as we climbed the majestic stairway, settled in the dining room when we ordered the local Cape May wine. The merlot was the sweetness of the grapes condensed into liquid form, sparkling clear in my glass as the waiter gave me a taste test.

The dinner was a classic Peter Shields dinner, fine china, and silverware made for a perfect evening. Our conversation had reverted to each other and the 48 years we’ve been together between the thick and the thin, the good and the bad, the joy and the deep sorrow.

We get old from our worries and experiences I think. Our bodies grow as the years roll by, but it is the pain and sorrow that seems to pervade. I had a great life in many ways I fully enjoyed my life in spite of it. People say God is good when things go well for them. Some people have blind faith when things don’t go well. I learned from the first-hand experience that none of that matters. Good or bad, it happens and God just stands on the sidelines and watches. The innocent suffer and die as well as the wicked, it is our condition.

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