Friday, May 12, 2017


There is a channel on TV called COZI TV. It is a new favorite of both the Little Woman (TLW) and myself. There are few channels that are a favorite, I really don't watch TV much, 15 minutes of the news in the morning and Channel 2 on Thursday nights at 8:00 PM for obvious reasons, Channel 163 the Smithsonian Channel and now COZI TV, Channel 109.

The reason I enjoy COZI TV is that it shows all my old favorites from the 1970's, mainly, Columbo and Murder She Wrote. Both are detective ‘who done its', that take me back to that magic time when I was raising my family from scratch. In those days' we were just climbing the economic ladder, the professional tower, and mingling socially.

The fun lies in that both TLW and myself would try to solve the murder along with Jessica Fletcher or watch Mr. Peter Falk with his egocentricities come upon the solutions to the cases. But the shows do something else, they put me back into the mindset and sense of being alive once more in the early 1970's. We only had 2 children and I can still see the small color-TV in our old house as we sat quietly with the babies and watched our shows.

It is always good to go back and visit the past. It reminds one of how good or bad things were, how we came to today and who we were. Like old photographs, old re-runs can indirectly do the same thing, take you home once again.

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