Friday, September 01, 2017


No, I'm not talking bakery, I'm talking conditions, mainly TLW's (The Little Woman) and mine.

Over the many years, we have been married, we each had a job, TLW's was to complain about the cold and mine was to complain about the heat. Opposites attract each other and we were doing our part to support that theory.

We had a large heavy comforter on our bed that TLW put there, and for years it stayed there all our married life, then for two weeks starting in Mid-August she would take it off because it was hot to her. I would sleep without blankets or sheets beginning in late April from feeling so warm.

At night, as we watched TV, she would in the winter wear a blanket over her legs and her nose would slowly turn red, which worked out well as we would turn off the light to go to bed, the red glow was a guide for us to find our way.

When we went out to say a restaurant, in the summer no less, she would bring a sweater and sit and complain that it was chilly. And so our married life was a constant dealing with trying to keep her warm.

Then after working for the Wanna-Be-Bank & Truss Co., in air-conditioning, she has gotten so used to the coolness, that now she has reverse roles in some cases and even joins me in complaining that it is too hot! This is, of course, making for a happy marriage and now it is her who is asking for the fan or the AC!

Life is good.

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