Thursday, March 28, 2019


Since I’ve been in California with my grandkids, I have a fascination watching my 9-month-old grandson roam about the house and discovering new things. Taste, look, feel, are all new to him and he takes them seriously in his quest to learn.

I feed him spaghetti, donuts, and eggs, all he enjoys as well as cereals and bread that is buttered. I heavily butter the bread and he gobbles it up. I made a spaghetti dish the other night and for the first time in his life tried it. He learned to suck up the strands or noodles like a pro on his first try to feed it to him! When presented to him in a bowl, he didn’t wait he just plowed his fist into the bowl, grabbed a bunch and stuck it in his mouth!

On his expositions through the house each room found him in a newer glory than the previous room, having been confined to the shackles of infancy, he is now mobile enough to some degree to appreciate and explore his environment.

The look of triumph on his face, the lighting up of his eyes, the smile that crosses his lips and explodes his fat cheeks makes for interesting observation coming from this little guy!

For the first time, my wife and I took him to a supermarket. He sat in the little basket seat and we propped him up for comfort as he watched in fascination the different shoppers and things on the shelves like he was in Disney Land. And the smiles, oh the smiles, coming from so many people!

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