Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Being a father of four children I understand the fears and anxieties a father has for raising a child or four. It is not really easy but because of love for the child, it is not hard.

I know what I just said is a contradiction but life is filled with contradictions, and if you don’t think so you haven’t been living.

My son Anthony has always been the kind of person that takes life seriously. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing, but it is what it is. He is a comedy writer and reading some of his online stuff, I think he is probably a darn good one too.

In the last year, he has been challenged and challenged to the extreme. Having lost someone you dearly love is traumatic, but thankfully not incapacitating since he has two beautiful children who need him as much as he needs them.

Today is his birthday and unfortunately a difficult one as well as tomorrow’s birthday of his beautiful daughter, Darby who turns five, for the first time without her Mom Courtney, there to make her day so special as she always did.

I know my son and I know he will come through as he did Saturday during Darby’s birthday party. Today is his birthday, he is old enough to put himself aside for his kids and for me to see that he has this day to himself both quietly and with his family who love him. We will celebrate his birthday quietly at a little restaurant and move on.

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