Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Or blind mice. Whatever, we were there. Just view the photo. Left to right, my brother-in-law John, the Polish Prince, yours truly, Joe Del Bloggolo, and the heir to the throne of Polish Prince, the Connecticut Yankee, or should I say Red Sox, Tom.

It was not too long ago, I think it was last week, when we were the ones giving parties for Christenings and scurrying around the house, getting the beer cold and the chips dipped, while following directions from our wives at a staccato pace. Now we just sit there. Out to Pasteur, one with an upset stomach, one with a beer and one with his arms in the process of giving up.

We can’t seem to make the seating work, as we are relegated to the one spot in the house, away from the dip, the beer treasured as our only source of refreshment. If you look carefully, you will see more hair on John’s lip than on all our heads combined.

What do we talk about? We talk about our jobs or retirement, our sources of income and benefits. We used to talk about “Debbie Does Dallas” and football or baseball. The biggest and most lengthily conversation is about; Pains. All our pains, either real or imagined are the topic.

Our wives drift off to converse in the kitchen, younger than we are and getting younger. Our children now reside all over the country, doing things for themselves and their families, and doing it the same as ever it was done by us. They now do the scurrying about, holding the parties and get-togethers for their children.

Three old men, worried about the cost of gas, and the pain of holding it in, in mixed company. Does it all sound depressing? Actually it is. But hey, look around you, you will be in the same boat for sure, and maybe are already. But with the rights to getting old is the right of being passive in raising little children again. The joy of going home without worrying about diapers, school the next day, or feeding them is reward enough. Old age has its rewards.

Here is today’s quiz; which one of us is serious, which one is crazy and which of us is in Canton Ohio this week? The winner is allowed to age gracefully.

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